
Pete’s dedication to advancing the fitness industry and his entrepreneurial spirit has inspired him to create multiple products that impact fitness enthusiasts and athletes worldwide.

The Glute Drive, was licensed to Nautilus and is currently their number one selling commercial strength product, selling over 2000 units in its first year. The Rip Trainer has grossed over $20 million in worldwide sales and continues to be a leading rotational training modality.

Pete recently authored his first book, a fictional piece called CRUZ, published by Scriptor publishing. The book is an homage to athletic development, coaching, mentorship and the underdog in us all.

New! Glute Slide

Escape Barrow

Nautilus Glute Drive

How Can We Help Your Organization?

Pete Holman is available for speaking engagements and training sessions for instructors, coaches, athletes and staff. He specializes in rehabilitative medicine, core performance and foundational movement assessment. Confidence and cutting edge concepts are born from 30 years of hard earned experience and training. Find out how Pete can help you pursue excellence.